Friday, February 25, 2011

Homepage is LIVE!!!

I wrote my homepage today!!! WOOOOO-HOOOOOO!!! Can  you feel my excitement??

Take a look, read it, give suggestions. Does it flow well? Should I add or take away??

Keep in mind, this is only the text. I am still working through and will be adding photos throughout the page in context and wrapping some of this text around it... I'm still deciding what photos to add.

I also will be adding navigation bars on the left and some more photos down the right column along with some other stuff... bullets on the list at the bottom, etc. gotta learn the html for all of this... Step-by-step I will be working through all of it...

But go read it and tell me what you think! Would this make you want to click on my nav buttons to see what else I have to say??? (once i show pictures of the beautiful eaches) Or just click away?

All feedback is appreciated

I have 2 days off now so I will steadily be adding and tweaking stuff so check back often!

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