Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go away...

I am sooooo tired of RAIN!!!! I feel like we haven't had a week without rain since before Christmas... and when it rains, it POURS! Now I know where the cliche' came from. I could really use some rain boots right now...

So another storm front coming through means my husband will be out of work for 3 to 4 days again until the rain, clouds and winds that would take him straight out to the ocean all subside. Just another part of living in Hawaii, I suppose and I'm sure there are tons of you out there just waiting to say....

"At least you live in Hawaii." I don't know how many times I've heard that over the last year and a half. For some reason, people seem to think that no matter what happens, my life is somehow perfect because I live somewhere they'd like to go on vacation. Well, my life is not a vacation. I don't get to go to the beach every day. A majority of my life is spent the same way as everyone elses. I do dishes, laundry and everything else that goes with keeping up a house and I spend a LOT of time looking for a decent job to pay the bills. I have one for now. I prepare tax returns. I love it, but it's temporary.

Once May 1st hits, I'll be jobless again and the job hunt will be in full force again. That is, unless I can get this business going. It will take time, maybe even months to get it going good and making any money. My goal for 2011 (I know I'm about a month late on this =P) is to have my website running and making enough money to replace a full time job. $100 a day by the end of 2011. Stay tuned for progress updates. Maybe that way these rainy Hawaii winters stuck indoors won't be so bad ;)

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