Monday, February 21, 2011

Site Build It!

I just realized that I never updated what system I am using. I am no longer using My Online Income System. While the system was not a scam at all, it just wasn't what I had in mind for what I wanted to do and I realized that after about 3 days in it. It is good if you want to do small one time articles that bring in a small income stream. Do 300-400 articles and you get a good stream going. The one article I did is bringing in traffic.... but I wanted something that was MINE and that I could build the way I wanted. They did stick to their $ back guarantee and I received all of my money back without a hassle.

I wanted my own site for my own niche and Site Build It! is helping me do just that! I am a little knowledgeable about computers. Nothing like my computer-genius brother or brother-in-law but I can get around pretty easily with programs and if I can't my brother is on the phone in a heartbeat :). But.. I know NOTHING about building a site. With this system, you don't have to. It helps you. You can use their "block-builders" to create your site if you know nothing about HTML. Most average Joe's fall into that category but if you don't, you also have the option of using your own HTML.

I have plenty of content to share... The "how to make a site look good" and "how to get traffic" were the 2 things I was stumped on when I first decided I wanted to do this. I know I could pay someone to build it for me but that would take more $$ up front that I just don't have and just because you know how to build a site, doesn't mean that you know how to build a Search Engine Optimized site. After all, without traffic, what good does a site do you???? Well, these 2 things along with many others are things that SBI is teaching me and walking me through step-by-step. They even analyze each page before you submit it to search engines to make sure that it is optimized enough to get the FREE traffic that is needed. The resources in this program are endless.

The forums where newbies and successful site owners help each other is amazing. I've had someone who started 5 years ago and is now making a full online income mentoring me personally through this... for free..  Successful people just want to help you be as successful as they are. Of course, there are other parts that you can buy (have an SBIer help build your site, etc) but these things are NEVER pushed or SOLD. They are simply there if you need them. A lot of SBIer's with more than 1 successful site will sometimes use it because they now have the resources to do that and then they get another money-making website up with little to no effort :)

SBI is definitely NOT a "Get Rich Quick" program as there are no real ones out there. I am working, researching and spending a LOT of time but you can't make $$ with no investment, right? The thing this program is doing is showing me how to best utilize my time and the tools that are there for me to use so that this doesn't become a waste of my time. SBI gives you the tools but you have to use the tools and be willing to work.

Another plus is that I don't have to go anywhere else for my domain name or hosting needs. It's all included and there are no hosting limitations. I have learned so so so much about keywords, google, search engines and what people are searching for in the last 2 weeks and I am loving it!

I will have a link to SBI! added soon.... I am not able to link to it until I have at least 30 pages built (<--- see, they are serious about BUILDING your site, not selling their program) I am just that excited about everything I've learned so far! :)

Edit: I have a link now :)

Site Build It!


  1. I'm so proud of you and love reading the blog. I want to so badly learn this also but have yet figured out how to get it in my day especially done I can't spend but a few minutes on the pc at a time. Any suggestions or tips? I sure miss you but I know you have ben very busy. Will you email me link to this program you are using? Between colby, trying to take care I'd the house and myself I haven't ben able to work on any of my projects in sewing, crocheting, reading, research, keeping up two journals and my big dream is to get back to writing my book that I've dreamed of for years and actually started it. I'm lost....any advice? Set up s phone date for us, i miss you so much,we ned to catch up.

    Have you thought of doing an update on the zumba and how it is working, I'm very interested in that and being colby loves music and dancing it would be an activity to easily add to out day.

  2. Jess, you have to be members to get some of the tools but here is something I think could really help you with your site. Very usefull information.

    It is usefull for ANY site. And you can read it at your own leisure.
    There are keyword tools that tell you what words people are using when they search in your niche. In your case, computer repair. What phrases are people using to search for that? it tells you, then you incorporate these things in the content of your site (what you write, tags on pictures used, etc) and that is when search engines pick your site up and you get in the top 10 pages on google, etc.
    We will talk about all of this. I am still learning it all and it can seem overwhelming.. but you NEED to read this ebook. Soooo much that could help you guys get traffic and get more customers (this is not the affiliate links, etc just a way to get your site FOUND by spiders and people)
