Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It is.... WORKING!!!!

So, I logged into site central (SBI homepage for building sites) to work on some new pages.

I am not really supposed to expect traffic yet so I haven't gotten to the point in the action guide that tells you to check it... but I figured... what harm can it do just to see? I'm sure I haven't gotten any views... except for my family and friends I've sent the link to. I KNOW you've looked at it right?? ;)

So I clicked it. Traffic Headquarters... and there it was... 53 visitors in the past FOUR DAYS!!! That is amazing!. You see, they tell you not to expect good traffic for a couple of months after you start linking back to your site. I haven't started putting out links...

I submitted my sites to Google, Yahoo & Bing 4 days ago. Yahoo and Bing have brought in 40 visitors since then.... to my little 4 page website!!! Can you believe it?!?! I can only imagine what it will be like when I get the site built up. Google hasn't sent me any yet. My site isn't big enough and doesn't have enough content.

I can't start monetizing until I have 20-30 pages up and at least 20 visitors a day... this is supposed to take months! But guess what!! I had 23 unique visitors yesterday! and they clicked on my pages over 50 times!!
And they are clicking through on the links I post (none that make $$ yet and YES the search engines know when it's an affiliate link)

So now all I have to do is get the 20-30 pages up and if my traffic stays up, I will be good to go in NO time! Time to do it all is my only obstacle right now.

I am so excited and this has definitely fueled my fire!

So, if you were wondering.... the keyword tools and research that SBI supplies really DO work!!

I am getting completely free traffic!!!

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