Friday, February 25, 2011

Homepage is LIVE!!!

I wrote my homepage today!!! WOOOOO-HOOOOOO!!! Can  you feel my excitement??

Take a look, read it, give suggestions. Does it flow well? Should I add or take away??

Keep in mind, this is only the text. I am still working through and will be adding photos throughout the page in context and wrapping some of this text around it... I'm still deciding what photos to add.

I also will be adding navigation bars on the left and some more photos down the right column along with some other stuff... bullets on the list at the bottom, etc. gotta learn the html for all of this... Step-by-step I will be working through all of it...

But go read it and tell me what you think! Would this make you want to click on my nav buttons to see what else I have to say??? (once i show pictures of the beautiful eaches) Or just click away?

All feedback is appreciated

I have 2 days off now so I will steadily be adding and tweaking stuff so check back often!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We have a winner!

But as it turns out, it's taken :( As are the other favorites. So I spent a few hours tonight searching avalaible names and using a list of "helper" words I found on SBI (seriously, this program has everything!) and I decided on....

I am happy with it. I even think I like it better AND it is available in .com, .org, .net, and a host of others so that when I can, I will buy all of those and direct them all back to my .com :)

Now on to the good stuff. Tomorrow I start writing my pages! I am actually going to start putting content together. In a few days (or weeks, who knows) I will actually have a site for you to look at! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Site Build It!

I just realized that I never updated what system I am using. I am no longer using My Online Income System. While the system was not a scam at all, it just wasn't what I had in mind for what I wanted to do and I realized that after about 3 days in it. It is good if you want to do small one time articles that bring in a small income stream. Do 300-400 articles and you get a good stream going. The one article I did is bringing in traffic.... but I wanted something that was MINE and that I could build the way I wanted. They did stick to their $ back guarantee and I received all of my money back without a hassle.

I wanted my own site for my own niche and Site Build It! is helping me do just that! I am a little knowledgeable about computers. Nothing like my computer-genius brother or brother-in-law but I can get around pretty easily with programs and if I can't my brother is on the phone in a heartbeat :). But.. I know NOTHING about building a site. With this system, you don't have to. It helps you. You can use their "block-builders" to create your site if you know nothing about HTML. Most average Joe's fall into that category but if you don't, you also have the option of using your own HTML.

I have plenty of content to share... The "how to make a site look good" and "how to get traffic" were the 2 things I was stumped on when I first decided I wanted to do this. I know I could pay someone to build it for me but that would take more $$ up front that I just don't have and just because you know how to build a site, doesn't mean that you know how to build a Search Engine Optimized site. After all, without traffic, what good does a site do you???? Well, these 2 things along with many others are things that SBI is teaching me and walking me through step-by-step. They even analyze each page before you submit it to search engines to make sure that it is optimized enough to get the FREE traffic that is needed. The resources in this program are endless.

The forums where newbies and successful site owners help each other is amazing. I've had someone who started 5 years ago and is now making a full online income mentoring me personally through this... for free..  Successful people just want to help you be as successful as they are. Of course, there are other parts that you can buy (have an SBIer help build your site, etc) but these things are NEVER pushed or SOLD. They are simply there if you need them. A lot of SBIer's with more than 1 successful site will sometimes use it because they now have the resources to do that and then they get another money-making website up with little to no effort :)

SBI is definitely NOT a "Get Rich Quick" program as there are no real ones out there. I am working, researching and spending a LOT of time but you can't make $$ with no investment, right? The thing this program is doing is showing me how to best utilize my time and the tools that are there for me to use so that this doesn't become a waste of my time. SBI gives you the tools but you have to use the tools and be willing to work.

Another plus is that I don't have to go anywhere else for my domain name or hosting needs. It's all included and there are no hosting limitations. I have learned so so so much about keywords, google, search engines and what people are searching for in the last 2 weeks and I am loving it!

I will have a link to SBI! added soon.... I am not able to link to it until I have at least 30 pages built (<--- see, they are serious about BUILDING your site, not selling their program) I am just that excited about everything I've learned so far! :)

Edit: I have a link now :)

Site Build It!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Almost there... Domain Name

Well, I have spent my last 2 days off completely submerged in brainstorming and researching my site concept. I have over 100 pages planned out with good, low competition keywords to use.
So I have one final step before I start building the site! I have to pick and register my domain name. Here are a few of the ideas I have so far.


Thoughts? Votes? Different suggestions? Of course was taken and all of these depend on whether they are taken or not but I am pretty sure they aren't. So, give me your choices. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc or any ideas that you have! I will most likely be registering a name TOMORROW! I can't believe I am here! I felt like the research would never end.Of course, it hasn't ended completely but I have enough that I can start to build the site! I am excited beyond belief.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Schedule C's, E's, Valentines... and a SICK Puppy

It seems like the week for Schedule C's and E's at work. I think every one that lives on the North Shore either owns their own business or rents out part of their home. So after 8 hours of sorting through receipts, expenses, and so on, by the time I get home my brain is FRIED!

All of these "Schedules" had me at work late for Valentines Day with the hubby. I felt so bad but when I got home, he had roses and Godiva chocolate waiting for me. He then told me to dress warmly and we were heading out. That's all he would give me. We ended up at one of my favorite North Shore beaches where he put out a chair and umbrella for me to relax and then went to unload the car. He grilled us some steaks and corn and had my favorite wine. We had the best view at the best restaurant in town. :) I couldn't ask for a better hubby or a better night.

Then my dog Max got incredibly sick. He was sick all night and woke me up at least 5 times. He acted like he was fine in the morning so my husband took him along to the dropzone with him as he does whenever I have to work. Well, I hadn't gotten out of the shower before they were back and hubby informed me that Max had thrown up multiple more times. I walk out and Max tries to walk to me, his little short legs just shaking uncontrolably and he just gave up and plopped on the floor. Hubby started trying to find a vet but I still had to go to work and do Schedule C's (yuck.) Luckily, after finally finding a vet, Max was hydrated and given medicine. When I came home, my poor puppy tried to meet me at the door as he always does. He stood up on the couch, looked at me all happy and then decided that he just didn't have enough energy to run to me and laid back down. When I came to the couch, he crawled up in my lap and went to sleep so I spent hours that night holding my sick, sleeping puppy and trying to get him to eat little pieces of food. Thankfully, after lots of medicine, he was mostly back to normal by the next day. 

After all of this, it was all I could do to not fall asleep on the couch. Some days I just had to give in. All of this results in me not having too much time or motivation to work on my website the last few days.

Well, I finally got a day off today and I have started creating the blueprint for my site. I worked on it for hours and at the end of the day, I'm not sure that I got a ton done, but I do have the main categories for my site laid out. This part is much more tedious than I imagined it would be but good planning will totally be worth it in the end. A couple of more days of this and I will be ready to start building on the actual website.

I am starting to realize what a long process this will be but I am ready! Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Decision = MADE

I have always been a google/research nut so naturally, when Joey and I first decided to move to Hawaii, I immediately set to researching what would soon be our new home and found.... not much. What I did find was not quality information.

After moving here, I slowly began to realize through experience, working at a tourist attraction, and conversations with others, the only way to find information about Oahu is to:
1. Visit a travel agent and pay ridiculous up-charges (people have NO idea they are paying these upcharges! They just blindly buy when they can call the company directly and save TONS of $$!)

2. Buy a guide book that is, of course, limited on information.

3. Word-of-mouth, which is great but if you are on vacation, your time is limited to get conversations in with "locals" to find out about the secret sweet spots.

The result is that most people that visit our island never leave Waikiki and if they do, they don't go off the beaten path. They will get on a tour bus, stop at specific locations for a set amount of time and get back on the bus to head to the next stop. They have no idea about the secret treasures that this island has to offer. I am still learning and I have been here almost 2 years! Still now, when I want to try a new restaurant that is "quality" and not just a good name to attract a tourist, I still have nowhere to go find this information.

Well, after days and days of researching, number crunching and brainstorming I've made a decision. I am going to create a website about Oahu. There seems to be high demand, limited quality competition and great monetization potential. It will take a while to get it up and running, a little while longer to turn any kind of profit and even longer to finish it.... but I am ready to dive in, give all the information that I have and get to researching the rest. My goal is to have a site where anyone that wants to visit Oahu will have a place to go to find all the information that they need to be able to plan BEFORE getting here and falling into the "Tourist Trap" that this island can be for the unprepared.

Stay tuned for updates and a web address to visit soon. :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go away...

I am sooooo tired of RAIN!!!! I feel like we haven't had a week without rain since before Christmas... and when it rains, it POURS! Now I know where the cliche' came from. I could really use some rain boots right now...

So another storm front coming through means my husband will be out of work for 3 to 4 days again until the rain, clouds and winds that would take him straight out to the ocean all subside. Just another part of living in Hawaii, I suppose and I'm sure there are tons of you out there just waiting to say....

"At least you live in Hawaii." I don't know how many times I've heard that over the last year and a half. For some reason, people seem to think that no matter what happens, my life is somehow perfect because I live somewhere they'd like to go on vacation. Well, my life is not a vacation. I don't get to go to the beach every day. A majority of my life is spent the same way as everyone elses. I do dishes, laundry and everything else that goes with keeping up a house and I spend a LOT of time looking for a decent job to pay the bills. I have one for now. I prepare tax returns. I love it, but it's temporary.

Once May 1st hits, I'll be jobless again and the job hunt will be in full force again. That is, unless I can get this business going. It will take time, maybe even months to get it going good and making any money. My goal for 2011 (I know I'm about a month late on this =P) is to have my website running and making enough money to replace a full time job. $100 a day by the end of 2011. Stay tuned for progress updates. Maybe that way these rainy Hawaii winters stuck indoors won't be so bad ;)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Heart Zumba!!

As a person that sits at a desk all day working, I have slowly begun to add on some unwanted pounds. My beach body is disappearing! I have been on the hunt for something FUN to do. I just can't get into running or anything monotonous. But then I found Zumba! You hear it all the time now. At least once a day on Facebook someone's talking about it. But what is Zumba?

Zumba is a Latin/South American influenced dance workout that will have you sweating and working muscles all while having a blast and learning some sexy and fun dance moves! It is by far the most fun I've had working out in a long time and believe me, I have tried EVERYTHING!! You won't even feel like you're working out! You will probably even be sad when your days workout is over!! If you're thinking "But I can't dance. I don't want to go to a class and look like I don't know what I'm doing" No worries! There are videos that you can use at home. In the video, they break every dance move down for you into easy 3-step sections and you work your way up to the good stuff. The Zumba system aso comes with a day by day plan and you alternate between cardio and toning focused Zumba. You'll be dancing like a pro in no time! I am clumsy as it gets. If I can do it then so can you.

After sitting all day working, I love coming home to a nice invigorating Zumba workout! I am in love with this work out and you will be too as soon as you try it!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Online Income System... Here Goes Nothing... Right???

I have never done a blog before. I have never considered myself a writer but here I am, about to start my own business and I find myself wanting a way to be able to track my failures, lessons learned and (hopefully) successes. I decided that a blog would be the best way.

I am the wife to a full time skydiving instructor. About a year and a half ago, we picked up our lives in Georgia and moved to Hawaii to pursue a new life together. I have been trying to find a decent job ever since but have had little luck because there just aren't very many full time jobs available in Hawaii. You see, the State decided that it should be mandatory that any employee that works over 20 hrs. a week should have free health insurance at the employers expense. Sounds great, right? Well, the employers decided they didn't think this was fair so they just quit hiring anyone full time and I can get 19 hours at the most at any job I find (so far.) So why don't I just get 2 part time jobs? Makes sense! Tried it! It's very hard to find 2 jobs and either of them be ok with not being the most important so the schedules would just never work out and I would still only end up with around 20 hours.

So what? I live in Hawaii!!! My husband makes enough money so we can "survive" and even live pretty nice lives with plenty of wants at times. Just go to the beach and enjoy being a beach bum! Well, this is what I tried to make myself believe for a while. Turns out, I just can't get that nagging feeling to go away that I am not contributing as much as I could be and my frustration has grown over time. So I figure, if there is no opportunity out there for me, I will create one for myself. So this brings me to today. I am trying to start my own online business.

I am using  My Online Income System, a 60 day step by step guide to online marketing which you can find here along with other great options for working at home. So far, I am loving it!! I will be posting my progress as I move along in the program.

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